Topic: Reasons to Avoid Temptation – Insight For Living Daily Devotional by Chuck Swindoll Ministry 17 November 2021

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Reasons to Avoid Temptation

November 17, 2021by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Proverbs 6:32–33

We’ve discussed what things to avoid and we’ve thought about how to avoid them, but we haven’t explored the question of why we should stand strong against temptation. Why did Solomon take such a hard line on resisting lust’s appeal? Without the slightest hesitation, the wise man set forth the truth, which so few people stop to consider today.

Also Read: Open Heaven 17 November 2021 –Topic: DON’T AID AND ABET SIN 

First, recognize that the sexual tempter goes for “the precious life,” the extraordinary person. For some reason tempters fixate on people of great talent, skill, popularity, or potential. When gifted people fall prey to the “evil person,” the consequences can be devastating. Everything that once set them apart is suddenly compromised. They risk all these and more:

Loss of characterInjury to career
Loss of self-respectA ruined reputation
Loss of others’ respectEmbarrassment in the community
Loss of familyDraining of one’s finances
Loss of Christian testimonyPossibility of disease
Loss of joy and peaceBeginning of a secret life

A second reason to avoid sexual temptation: the pain of chastisement will begin and may never completely subside. Although King David repented, received God’s forgiveness and grace, and became Israel’s greatest monarch until Jesus, the dark and devastating consequences of his choice never left his home or his heart. In fact, his sons followed in his footsteps, carrying on his legacy of sexual impurity. The one who yields to lustful temptations will indeed suffer . . . and so will his or her offspring.

Third, failure to avoid sexual temptation is clear evidence of someone lacking sense. Solomon likened temptation to “fire” and “hot coals” (Proverbs 6:27–28). Only a fool would try to tuck an open flame into his shirt pocket or stand on the burning embers of a fire. Similarly, only a fool would keep something close by that threatens to end life as he or she knows it.

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