Topic: The Power of Prayer [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 17 November 2021]

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The Power of Prayer

Focusing on God’s endless power puts our problems into perspective.

November 17, 2021

2 Chronicles 20:1-17

In Scripture, we find examples of people who prayed with spiritual authority, and King Jehoshaphat is one of them. When he heard that a great army was coming against Judah, he immediately turned to the Lord for help. His example teaches us important lessons about praying powerfully. For instance, he … 

  • Sought the Lord. Instead of relying on his own ability to conquer Israel’s enemies, Jehoshaphat took a different approach and immediately looked to God. 
  • Focused on God, not the problem. The king acknowledged that the Lord was ruler over all the kingdoms and no one could stand against Him.  
  • Remembered God’s past faithfulness. Jehoshaphat’s prayer recalled ways that the Lord had protected Israel in the past. 
  • Depended on God. He acknowledged that the Israelites were powerless and didn’t know what to do. The Lord was their only hope. 

If your prayers seem to be having little impact, ask yourself if you’ve been focusing on God or the problem. Have you remembered His past faithfulness, or do you doubt His care for you? And finally, is God your only hope, or are you trying to fix the situation yourself?

Also Read: Open Heaven 17 November 2021 –Topic: DON’T AID AND ABET SIN 

Bible in One Year: Acts 18-20

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