Topic: Sunday Reflection: The Display of Mercy [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 14 June 2020]

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Sunday Reflection: The Display of Mercy

Hopefully, we’ve all been fortunate enough to receive mercy when we needed it most. You may have been forgiven for hurting somebody’s feelings or betraying a friend’s trust. Or perhaps someone came alongside you in a difficult season, offering support, prayer, or a kind word. When people choose to be kind, compassionate, or forgiving, there’s a ripple effect that extends beyond these small graces and impacts the way we interact with God and the people around us.

In Exodus, we read that the Lord revealed Himself to Moses as “merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love” (Ex. 34:6 ESV). God doesn’t just choose to be these things—they’re integral to who He is. And He always wants our good. We have the opportunity to choose mercy every day, and when we do, we participate in His life.

Think about it
• Psalm 145 echoes Exodus 34, saying, “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 145:8 ESV). Some translations use the word compassion instead of mercy. Do you see a difference between the two? 
• Can you think of times when you have been compassionate or forgiving to others? What made you choose to be merciful?

Bible in One Year: Psalm 19-22

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