Topic: THE BEAUTIES OF THE TRUTH (PART 2) – – September 2019

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Dearly beloved, the truth is in everything created by the truth, and the scripture said, “All things were made by him (the truth); and without him was not anything made that was made.”–John 1:3. This is one of the things that speak of God as omnipresent, since He is in everything, so He must be found everywhere. This beauty of the truth is something difficult for some Christians and non-Christians to believe because of their ignorance. Any time I tell people that God is in everything, that is, He is universal in application, some foolishly will say it is a lie; many people still don’t believe God is omnipresent because of their ignorance. This is why they need to know the truth for them to be free from their darkness that has swallowed them. There is nothing in this world God is not involved in, He is in everything and everything is in Him. Whatever man made or invented it is of God, because it is His Spirit in man that made every living soul a living being. All the gifts, potentials, and others man has, it is God who gave us all. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”–Colossians 1:16-17.

God is universal in application, He is something we all both righteous and sinners make contact with every day and every time knowingly and unknowingly. This is the truth Apostle Paul echoed to the Athenians at the Hill of Mars, he said, “For in him, we live, and move, and have our being.”–Acts 17:28. Even as without him there is nothing made that was made, even so there is nothing we can do in this world without God, whether you believe it or not, “by him all things consist.” Some people in their ignorance said, God doesn’t involved in the affairs of men on earth. I have seen one thing that is wrong with people and false in their lives, it is just assumption, it has no evidence yet people believe their assumption foolishly without doubt, and some can even die for their assumption. God rules in the affairs of men, He is universal in application, so He is found in everything and everywhere. Not until God turned King Nebuchadnezzar into animal to eat grass for seven years and he was driven away from his kingdom for which he boasted he built by his power not knowing God built it for him. The king of Babylon never knew God rules in the affairs of men (See Daniel 4:17, 32). Nebuchadnezzar will tell you God is in everything and everything is in him.

Dearly beloved, this is another beauty of the truth, He is irrevocable in word. Something so special about God that set Him apart from other gods is the immutable nature and Word of God, though everything about God is awesome and special, but His Word is never a thing God takes for granted, and for us human taking His Word for granted will be to our earthly and eternal detriment. The Word of God is settled forever in Heaven (See Psalm 119:89), it is the power of God, the strength, the authority, glory, and awesomeness of God. The Word of God is the tool God used in creating Heaven and earth, but the Word of God never changed, but many things have changed on earth. God the truth has made it clear that His Word (the truth) is irrevocable in anything He has declared that will be surely done. Nothing in Heaven and earth can stop the Word of God from moving and operating, not even the devil can stop it, only God’s Word can stop Himself, but God’s Word cannot and can never contradict Himself. “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”–Isaiah 55:11. Something about the irrevocability of the Word of God is found in the truth, “It shall not return void to me”, this is the powerful force behind God’s Word.

It is the most powerful force than all existing forces in Heaven above, earth, and earth below. This truth, “It shall not return unto me void”, is something every human should lay hold on in trusting God. For God’s Word has the greatest credibility because of His irrevocability. It should be our strong hold, refuge, fortress, shelter, and tower of covering, but our weakness in waiting to see His Word made manifest is our wretchedness. It shall not return unto me void: The irrevocable power of God’s Word makes it impossible for His Word to return void. Jesus Christ the Word of God never missed a dot of what God sent Him to do on earth, and no man could stop Him from not doing what God sent Him to do. He never return void to God because He accomplished what He was sent to do, and His mission objectives prospered, not even death could hold Him from not returning back to God. He returned in spite of the struggle of the grave, He return to God with His blood to blot out our sins which were firmly kept in record by God. But Christ returning with His blood back to God and obliterated our sins book of remembrance. Jesus Christ never returns unto God void. This is the irrevocable power of God’s Word that He shall not return void. I used Jesus Christ in person for he is the best and simple example to demonstrate or elucidate the truth about the irrevocable Word of God.

It shall accomplish that which I (God) please: No man has done God’s work completely like His Word (Jesus Christ), and no man has pleased God completely like His Word Jesus Christ. If the same spirit that raised up Jesus Christ dwell in you (See Romans 8:11), it will also quicken your mortal body to please God and do His will like Jesus Christ His Word. The irrevocable power of God’s Word is that it shall not return void, but must accomplished that which pleases God before returning to God. Jesus Christ was sent to die for our sins, and God’s judgment for our sins demanded a perfect blood that can only be acceptable to God and also satisfied Him to put remembrance of our sins to an utter end. And Christ come up to God with an immaculate blood which God is satisfied with and pleased to accept than the blood of goats, bulls, rams, and heifers. The Word of God Jesus Christ surely accomplished that which pleased God. And He never returned to Heaven void, and this is the irrevocability of the Word of God.

And it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it: We have heard what God’s Word told us in Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper, but God’s Word fashioned against anything must prosper. Prosperity is one of the beauties of God’s Word, because of His irrevocability. It surely prospers in anything it is sent to. The Word of God has a prevailing power over anything it is sent to in Heaven above, earth, and earth below. This prevailing power is irrevocable. Anything God’s says is settled because His Word is always prospering. Jesus Christ the Word of God said, “Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.”—John 18:9. Jesus Christ prospered in everything God sent Him to do here on earth. He prospered in the mission to preach, teach, and speak the truth, heal and deliver people, lead them to God, lay the foundation of Church, died for us all, and to draw us closer to God through His blood, and He prospered in all God sent Him to do. The ability of God’s Word to accomplish and prosper lies in the irrevocable power of the word, “It shall not return unto me void.” And this is one of the beauties of the truth. “Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”–Numbers 23:19. Yes! What God has said, that He will do and what he has spoken that He will make good, because His Word has irrevocable power to accomplish what it is sent to and to prosper in anywhere it is sent to. Its prevailing power is unrivalled.

Dearly beloved, this is another beautiful thing about God’s beauties, but the truth is that God is the beginning and end of all beauties, any word He speaks and anything He does are beauty of beauties. God the truth and His Son Jesus Christ are insurmountable in deeds. No man in Heaven and earth work more than God and His Son Jesus Christ said, “My Father worketh hitherto (until now), and I work.”–John 5:17. It is not just about working, but God is insurmountable in deeds, men rest, but God is never resting, who says God is resting is deceiving himself, God is ever working, Jesus Christ said, “My Father worketh hitherto”, which means up till now, this is what hitherto mean. God is insurmountable in work, He is been working since the world began and He is still working. No man has done greater work than the truth. And He has been working incessantly from ages past till now. We cannot tell of God’s work in word, and in deeds neither can any man surmount Him. He is ever working. I laugh at some Pastors’ who always say that God has done all the works that should be done and that He is now resting. This is not true concerning mankind and anything concerning this world. Even though Isaiah 46:10, said that God declared the end from the beginning, yes I knows the end of all things from the beginning because He is the beginning and end of all things created by Him and this is why He consist of all things as all things are made by Him, and without Him there was nothing made that was made. Manifestation of all that He has written and purpose concerning anything man or things or events are brought into reality by His Word that never return void, but must prosper in that which it is sent to.

The Spirit of God never cease for a second from working, and Jesus Christ knew it even before He started creating the world, Heaven was already in operation and the Spirit of God is the one working in all things in Heaven. Never has He stop working, He has been working, and He will keep working forever. If He stops working cessation of life and many things will stop. The Spirit of God is the truth, He manifest Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.
That He rested the seventh day doesn’t mean that He is still resting; He finished the works of creations and did not work on the seventh day. If I may ask you a question, can the Spirit of God be tired? If yes, then it means that rest was cessation from work, but if no, then God is ever working and His Spirit is not weak and tired like the flesh. When you talk about life, you are talking about the Spirit and He is eternal, never ending, never tired, never weak, never resting, never fainting, but ever working. As long as life in Heaven is eternal, God will never cease to work in Heaven and earth. For what He has done as work they are indescribable from creation till now and then, even forever and ever. Jeremiah the weeping prophet called Him the Great might God, great in counsel, and mighty in deeds (See Jeremiah 32:18-19). We cannot do too much work for God who has done so much work for us and in us. God is insurmountable in deeds because He is ever working and ever living, but that is not so with man. This is one of the beauties of the truth. Did any man feed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes since Jesus Christ the only one that did such left this world?
Where has it been heard or found that anybody raised a dead man from grave after four days from his death? But only Jesus did such work because He is God. Can you tell me of any man that was found walking on top the sea like Jesus Christ did? It is hard find and sees any man that can beat God in works or deeds.

It is written, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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