Topic: THE BEAUTIES OF THE TRUTH (PART 3) – – September 2019

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Dearly beloved, just as the beauties of the truth in the truth are beautiful, even so in our lives His beauties are beautiful. The focal point of this book is that you know the truth and the truth have been talked about in many different ways so that you might know Him and He will make you free. Knowing the truth is something so special, we who know Him cannot fully explained the truth in words, because no word good enough to describe Him, but the experience of knowing the truth is what those who don’t Him needed. These experiences are the beauties of the truth in our lives. I have never told anybody that if you know the truth you will never have any problem or be afflicted or persecuted neither will I ever say such lies, for that is fantasy not reality or truth. The beauties of the truth in our lives are the benefits of knowing the truth, but they are innumerable but we shall look at some of them which are;

Sanctification: This is a process of becoming like Jesus Christ, both in words and deeds. Jesus Christ made Himself of no reputation because He was not after worldly glories, honours, praises, recognitions, and commendations of men. He had no worldly style and He was always obedient to God and bringing Him glory in all He does both in words and in deeds. Many things such as personal interests, hatred, bitterness, anger, and any manner of uncleanness, ungodliness, and unrighteousness, works of the flesh, dead works of the conscience, and others were never found in Jesus Christ life. But these things have been found in our lives in one way or another, knowingly and unknowingly.

But now that we have come to the knowledge of the truth, we need to stay away from them by all means, and our staying away from them is what we called sanctification. Sanctification is the will of God for all His children or sheep who knows the truth (See 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4; Ephesians 5:3; Romans 12:1-2; 1Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:18-20; 2Corinthians 6:14-17; Colossians 2:8; Luke 9:23; Matthew 10:38; Titus 2:12; 1Peter 2:11). When the truth is in our lives, He helps us to forsake all the worldly loves, cares, funs, and pleasures, and help us to do heavenly things that glorifies God because the truth is in us (See Philippians 2:13), and this is one of the beauties of the truth in our lives.

Lovers of God: Jesus Christ said you can’t love and know the Father without knowing Him the Son of God first, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”—John 14:6. He is the way to the Father, the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father (See John 10:30). Just like we all are saying, “Like father like son, like mother like daughter.” And this is also true of Jesus Christ and His Father. Knowing the truth is an access for us to know and love God and become lovers of God and His Word and deeds (See Matthew 25:34-40; John 14:15, 21, 23; 15:10, 14; 1John 5:3).
This beauty of the truth in our lives makes God a precious jewel to us, the first and last in all we do, our Alpha and Omega. And we live in all obedience and humility to God’s Word not in sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, but in truth and reality. And we are not zeal without knowledge Christians but having both.

We walk by faith: One of the beauties of the truth in our lives is that He makes us to walk by faith not by sight (See 2Corinthians 5:7). We are no longer moved and controlled by whatever is controlling the world in terms of funs, pleasures, fashions, styles, traditions, philosophy, talking, in words, and deeds. Faith is of the Spirit and sight is of the flesh, no man born of the Spirit exhibit the works of the flesh, and even so those born of the Spirit cannot exhibit the works of the flesh.

We are sanctified: The beauty of the truth in our lives for knowing the truth is that, the truth sanctifies us, cleanse us, and makes us holy. Jesus Christ is the truth, He is the Word of God, and whosoever has the Word of God in him or her has the truth in him or her. Jesus Christ said, “Sanctify them (His Disciples) through thy word (the truth): for thy word is truth.” —John 17:17. This is a prayer that He prayed to God for His Disciples before His death.
And in John 15:3, Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” I have said it before that people hate the knowledge of God’s Word or the truth because of the sanctifying power of it. For He cleanse all those who have Him in their lives from all unrighteousness.

We have eternal life: This is the most beautiful thing among the beauties of the truth in our lives. And the greatest benefit of knowing, believing, and confessing the truth. Jesus Christ said, “Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16. This is the paramount prominent reason why people should know and believe the truth. And no man beside Jesus Christ can give eternal life, for eternal is the life of God, His nature, and His kingdom.
Jesus Christ gives those who know Him and believe in Him eternal life and this life is an unending life. This gift is what he gives to all those who believe in Him. He can give it to any man who believes in Him.

It is written, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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