Topic: The Decisions That Lead to Contentment [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 30 June 2021]

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The Decisions That Lead to Contentment

Romans 8:28-39

Think about a circumstance in your life that you’d change if you could. Whether it’s a hardship or unfulfilled desire, in order to be content, you must accept that the situation has been allowed by God, even if He didn’t cause it.

When I face such things in my life, I often pray, “Lord, I choose to accept this as though it’s coming from You. I’m choosing to look to You.” Then I can rest in the knowledge that I’m His child. Instead of feeling like a victim of my circumstance, I know I’m cared for and guided by my sovereign Father.

I’ve also found it helps when we fully submit ourselves to God. This doesn’t mean approaching God insincerely and saying, “Well, Lord, I just want to thank You for this!” Be honest and admit, “This is painful and I don’t like it. But I choose to submit to You because You are trustworthy and loving. I choose to draw from Your strength for everything I need.” My friend, if you do this, your concerns will lose their power.

Do you believe Romans 8:28? If you do, you can entrust yourself to the Lord, knowing that He has your best interest at heart, will take care of you, and won’t ever leave your side. When you embrace these truths, you’re on your way to contentment in Jesus.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 103-106

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