Topic: Distinctly Called by God – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 30 June 2021]

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Distinctly Called by God


“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.” (Genesis 37:3)


Joseph stood out from his brothers. He dared to be different. And there’s a great contrast between the life of Joseph and the life of all of his brothers. The beautiful coat that he wore symbolized his distinctiveness and was the kind of coat that royalty would wear. It was the sign of noble birth.

If there’s anybody who ought to stand out for distinctiveness—because of noble birth—it’s those of us who are children of the Father in Heaven, the deeply beloved of God. You’ll find that when you display your nobility, not arrogantly, but boldly, the world will resent that nobility, and the world will try to squeeze it back into its mold. That’s what Joseph’s brothers tried to do to him. They tried to make him conform. But he had been transformed, and he would not conform. God had a plan for him. God said, “Joseph, you’re going to be different. You’re distinct.”


  • How has God called His people to live distinctly for Him?
  • How does your life give evidence that you have been distinctly called for God’s purposes?


Make a list of the ways God calls His people to be distinct. Ask Him to help you live in these ways today.

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