Topic: The Second New Earth [David Jeremiah Ministry 22 July 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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The Second New Earth

JULY 22, 2020

Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Peter 3:13

 Recommended Reading: Romans 8:19-21

The new heavens and new earth that are coming as the backdrop for eternity with God are, in fact, the second instance of a new heavens and new earth. The first, of course, is described in Genesis 1—the original creation of the heavens and earth. That was the setting in which mankind was given his preeminent commission from God to be stewards of the earth.

Looking at the earth today, however, reveals a failure on the part of mankind to carry out that stewardship commission. When we compare what must have been a pure and undefiled creation in the beginning with the condition of planet earth today, our anticipation of heaven only grows stronger. Will we despoil the new earth in the same way we have the original earth? No, since there will be no sin to divert mankind from God’s eternal purposes.

If we marvel at the glory of God’s creation now, we will marvel even more when we set our eyes upon a creation that reflects an undefiled glory to the Creator.

If created things are seen and handled as gifts of God and as mirrors of His glory, they need not be occasions of idolatry—if our delight in them is always also delight in their maker.

John Piper


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Isaiah 29-31

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