Topic: YOUR REFUGE — [Max Lucado Ministry 22 July 2020]

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Refuge is a favorite word of David’s.  You’ll count as many as forty-plus appearances in some Bible versions.  But never did David use the word more poignantly than in Psalm 57.  The introduction to the passage explains its background: “A song of David when he fled from Saul into the cave.” Lost in shadows and thought, he has nowhere to turn.  Go home, he endangers his family; to the tabernacle, he imperils the priests.  Saul will kill him.  Here he sits, all alone.

But then he remembers he’s not.  And from the recesses of the cave a sweet voice floats: “Be merciful to me, O God!  For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I make my refuge” (Psalm 57:1).  Make God your refuge.  Let Him be the foundation on which you stand.

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