Topic: THE WORD OF GOD – – 2020

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Dearly beloved, the inability of many Christians to know God through His Word and all that He has spoken concerning them and this is the identity crisis and confusion of faces within their hearts. It is the instrument false ministers or Pastors’ are using to manipulate their congregations. Satan has no respect or anything called fear about Christians without the Word of God. The most important thing or necessary thing every Christian should struggle to know is the Word of God. But today, it is money instead of the Word of God. And it is only those who have the Word Satan can’t make to live like the world because their lives are ruled by the Word of God. Jesus Christ overcome Satan during the temptation in the wilderness through the Word of God, and I think this is a great example for all His followers to equip themselves with the Word (See 1John 1:1; 5:7; Revelation 19:13). And the scripture said in Galatians 4:1-2, “Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father.” If we think we are too busy to learn about God, ourselves and the world through the Word of God, then we may die in our ignorance. Jesus Christ though he was God and knew all things, yet spent times in the temple with tutors, lawyers and doctors of the Word of God; for him to know the Word as a child. Many Christians think only Pastors are to search the scripture and come and tell you what they have read. This is absurd! You must go into adventure to know the Word of God, and you must have that holy curiosity to know God better through His Word. It is only with the Word of God you can create your world. In John 1:1, the scripture said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

You can see that the amount of the Word of God we have in our lives determines the level or degree of His power and presence in us. This Word in the beginning created the world we are living in today. Many Christians are empty of the Word of God because they have no delight for it and in it. The curiosity of Jesus Christ when he was a child to know the Word which he is was so strong, and this should have been our greatest example to develop such a holy curiosity for the Word of God. In Luke 2:46, the scripture said, “And it came to pass, that after three days they (earthly caretaker) found him (Jesus Christ) in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing and asking them questions.”


Dearly beloved, Jesus Christ shouldn’t have studied the Word because he is the Word, but he was not able to resist his holy curiosity of inquiry about God as a child. Modernization and scientific innovations have strangled this holy curiosity of inquiry about the Word of God. Our worldly desires so envelop us that God’s Word have no place in our hearts to dwell. This is why 80% of Christians are hearers of the Word of God but not doers of the Word. These people never see the Word of God as a reality, but fantasy, and as a Spirit, but letters. We are so engrossed in worldly business to the detriment of our spiritual lives. Without the Word of God our spirits are dead. Many Christians don’t know why they are spiritually dead it is because they do not have the Word of God in their hearts. Jesus Christ said, “…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”—John 6:63. Without His Word in you, you are worldly and spiritually dead. We think too much of this world not the Word, that is why the worldly spirit grows, magnifies, and fill us from the bottom of our hearts to the brim with worldly things even though we are church goers or called Christians. And God’s Word and the world are not friends but enemies (See James 4:4). We cannot be friends of both, but we must follow one and neglect the other (See Matthew 6:24; 1 Corinthians 10:21-22). But today, we are complicating things for ourselves by trying to merge the Word with the world. The amount of the Word of God in you is the degree or level of your spirituality because Jesus Christ Words is spirit and life. Our desire for worldly cares has quenched our holy curiosity for the Word, and we have esteemed the world above the Word.

And this has made many of us ceremonious Christians rather than spiritually minded (See Romans 8:1-10) and see why your curiosity is quenched. I love the Bereans so much because of their holy curiosity to know the Word. They searched the scripture daily whether those things they have heard from the Apostles were so (See Acts 17:11). Many Christians swallow easily anything because a Pastor or a so called anointed man of God said it, without any curiosity to find and know if those things they say are true. I still remembered very much what transpired in 2017, when there was a great contention about money tithe between Nigeria Pastors’ and radio presenter Daddy Freez. Bishop Oyedepo declared to his church congregation that if anybody stop paying money tithe, that they will remain permanent beggars. I wept even as Jesus Christ was weeping in hearing such comment from a man of God with high reputation, without doubt God called him, but this is what many Christians failed to see, even when their highly regard G.O’s have departed from God’s way to their own ways, their congregation will still believe they are of God because they don’t have discernment spirits but blinded by their steadfastness in their early start of their ministries.

The Bereans were heathen, but on hearing the Word, they go on adventure by searching the scripture daily whether those things they have heard were so. People write and write in the church when Pastors’ are preaching, how many check those Bible verses they jotted down in the church? The Bereans will testify against many Christians on the Day of Judgment for failing to search the scripture if what they heard that misled them were so. Many Christians and churches have lost their way, they need Jesus Christ to heal their backsliding and retrieve their feet and hearts back to the center of His will.


Dearly beloved, one day at the dawning of a new day, I found myself in a perplexing dilemma of whom I should obey between the Word of God (Spirit) and the world (flesh). Immediately, I heard some clamouring and clustering, hubbubs and hullabaloos, vociferation and pandemonium in my spirit as I drew closer to find out the cause of the vociferation, I found that it was war between the flesh (world) and the Spirit (Word). And the soul said, what is the problem? The Spirit (Word) answered, I created all the people and all things, but do many of them are serving the flesh (world) and obey him more than me (Spirit). And the soul asked the Spirit (Word), why are many Christians running away from you? The Spirit (Word) answered, I always warn them of the dangers of the love they have for the world and the things of the world, and I always tell them and show them of the incorruptible things I will give them if they walk with me (See Galatians 5:16), but many Christians have ignored me and those that speak of me they hate them. Then the soul asked the flesh (world), what are you doing to seduce Christians to live like you (world), dress and love you more than the Spirit (Word)? And the flesh (world) said, I don’t have permanent things to give those who love me, but temporary things, I always show people both Christians and non-Christians pictures of the corruptible things I will give them, but many of them choose to follow me and love me because of their lusts for what I have. And the Spirit (Word) said to the Soul, where did you belong and who are you supporting between me (Spirit) and him (flesh)? And the soul said, to the side that wins many people, I will increase their passions to keep following and be committed.

As I promenade in my spirit, I saw scarifications upon many Christians or church goers, which made them, have uncanny appetite for worldly things, praises, glories, honours, and recognitions. I was troubled in my spirit for seeing these things and as I decide to scamper, the Lord said to me, “To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.”—Jeremiah 6:10. And I look again upon those Christians and I saw labels upon those Christians with inscription titled, “Ceremonious and carnally minded”. And I said, Lord, what does this labels means? The Lord said, “This is why they find inconsistencies in their walk with me, and this is why the spirit of the world open their hearts up through their lusts for the corruptible seeds of the devil to be sown shamelessly in them in a devilish subtle, through the means of putrid literatures, movies, magazines, fashions, artificial make-ups, pornography and other worldly things. The world is filled and full of the lusts of the eyes, of the flesh and the pride of life, and this is why many Christians are not perspicacious of the contingencies of being a Christians without Word base.” And I was able to discern in my spirit between the Christians of old and of this present times. And I found out that the former built their lives upon the Word of God and the latter built their lives upon the worldly things than the Word of God. I cried as the Lord made me to see many ceremonious Christians leaving this world unceremoniously.

And the Lord made me to look again and I saw the Word of God in Psalm 19:10, like a gold and honey, I saw the Word of God in Jeremiah 23:29, like a fire and hammer, I saw the Word of God in John 6:50, like a bread, I saw the Word of God in James 1:23-24, like a mirror, I saw the Word of God in 1Peter 1:23, like incorruptible seed, I saw the Word of God in 1Peter 2:2, like a milk, I saw the Word of God in Ephesians 6:17, like a sword, and I saw the Word of God in Psalm 119:105, like a lamp and light. I could see clearly, that the Word of God contains the mind of God, the state of man, the doom of sinners, and the way of salvation. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true and its decision is immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support, and comfort to cheer. It is the travelers map, the pilgrims’ staff, the pilot compass, the soldiers’ sword, and the Christian charter. In it paradise is restore, heaven open, and the gate of hell disclosed. Christ is it grand subject, our design, the good and the glory of God and its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given to you on earth, will be opened at judgment, and will be remember forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labourers, and will condemn all those who trifle with it sacred contents. Let us Christians stop living in fantasies, trivialities, and pettifogging of this world and start living in truth and reality of what the Word of God is saying or conveying to us. Let us stop building mansions and castles in the world and start building our bases in the Word of God. And finally, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “If you let things of this world, overtake you from my love, at last you will hear me saying, depart from me, I know you not.”


Dearly beloved, many will agree with me on this that the scripture is a living witness that man was created in the image and likeness of God as Genesis 1:26 testified. But along the line, this image of God in which man was created was tainted with sin by Adams disobedience. And that gave us a false image, because the image after man sinned was no longer of God. This image defines our identity of whom between Jesus Christ and Satan we belongs to. But when sin found expression through disobedience of man, our image changed. Man was carrying another image which was contrary to the true image of God in which we were created. But today many Christians are still having false image and likeness which is contrary to the image and likeness of God. Identity crisis is one problem that has put many Christians in bondage, because they don’t know their image and the likeness of him they are carrying in them. Many Christians still live, swim, and wallow in sins because their image is still of their father Satan whose image is sin. We are not conscious of the image of Him we were created that is why we drag the excellent image of our Righteous God to the mud water through our desires for the worldly glories, lusts, funs, pleasures and sins.

Our image is of necessity that we live, act, and conduct ourselves according to Him whose image is in us. We cannot say we are created in the image of a righteous God and yet living in unrighteous, unholy, and ungodly life, if we say so, then we are made liars. Many of us are so conscious of reputation than our lives we may protect our reputation before men but have a false image within us which is the image of this world. Jesus Christ came to change our image also because the first Adam defiled the Holy and righteous image by sin. But Christ died and resurrected to give us newness of image and life. That old image that was in us which cause us to sin was a sinful image. But Jesus Christ brought from resurrection new image of righteousness and the likeness of the Holy God. But how many Christians have this image which is of the person of Jesus Christ? Some Christians still smoke, drink, fornicate, tell lies, steal, murder, and wallow in other sins, yet they are church goers. The life, the image of Christ is not seen in them. And this is one thing many Christians are not conscious of, that is, the image of whom they bear between God and Satan. Knowing the image in us is necessary, it enable us to know the messages we are sending out to the world and people that have false image. Our image is now of Christ who is the express image of the Living and invisible God, the first born of every creature (See Colossians 1:15).

Any man who have not accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour and walking in His righteousness has false image in him, this is the state of many Christians or church goers, for they have not surrender their totality to Jesus Christ, and that is why they are giving those outside Christ the power to slander God’s name. And such Christians are blinded by the god of this world, the scripture said in 2 Corinthians 4:4, “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Many Christians though are going to churches but they don’t have in them this image of God which is Jesus Christ. And we should know the image of who we are bearing and protect it, for it is a righteous, holy, and godly image. Only when we have or know our image, then we can manifest what the image in us is. Those who have this image of Jesus Christ in them also have this grace of bearing in their bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ, that the life also of Jesus Christ might be made manifest in their bodies or lives. Our works tells of the image of Him we have in us, for Christ being our image, righteousness, holiness, and godliness should be our watchword. We are to protect this image from being tainted with worldliness, if we must profess we belong to God, because this image of God Jesus Christ is the righteousness of God (See 1Corinthians 1:30; Hebrews 1:3; Revelation 3:14). Repent from all your secret sins, and give your life to Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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