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Dearly beloved, this world is a world of controversies, and we are to make a choice in everything, we can’t have two captain in a ship and two pilot in one plane, we must get our mind made up, for who should rule over us whether light or dark, good or evil, Jesus Christ or Satan, and heaven or hell but the choice is yours to make not mine because I have mine to make too. We have to choose our captain between Christ or Satan because light and darkness can’t have fellowship and Christ had no concord with Belial. The temple of God had no business with the temple of idols (See 2Corinthians 6:14-17). Get your mind made up now or never.


Dearly beloved, controversy is something God hate so much because it what people here and there, neither her or there, people eating from the table of God and from the table of the devil and also drinking from both tables. If God hate this thing called controversy, tell me, why will He called us to come out from among the world and be separated from them and touch not the unclean things (See Isaiah 52:11; 2Corinthians 6:17), and saying be ye holy even as I am holy (1Peter 1:16)? If God hate controversy, tell why will He give us two Testaments that are incompatible? God is not the author of confusion as the scripture said in 1 Corinthians 14:33, God did not merge Old and New Testament together and we can’t operate in both lest we are in controversy, we can’t be two but one. There are two types of Christians in this world, the worldly minded and the Heavenly minded, the carnally minded and the spiritually minded, those who set their affections on the things in heaven, and those who set their affection on the things of this world. There are also two types of messages that are preached in the churches, they are worldly (success, prosperity, and blessings) and godly (righteousness, holiness, godliness, soberness, repentance, salvation). And there are two types of priorities in Christians lives, those pleasing themselves and the world around them by doing what people like them want them to do, and those who pleasing God only, who like to do things God loves and takes pleasures in them. You can’t be two but one

You can’t serve God and mammon and two masters’ at a time (See Matthew 6:24). There are only two ways which are the broad road and the narrow road, you can walk in both of these roads at a time, you must choose one and forget about the other. Christians and church goers, put away from your life controversies, you can’t be only if you are living in controversy. To be only means you are set apart for nothing but God alone. It doesn’t means that you want to be a pastor or whatever, but this is the life every child of God or Christian should live. A life set apart for God alone and all that pleases God, God don’t share His glory with any man, knowing that my body is God’s temple, and I won’t give it to uncleanness, fornication, covetousness and all unrighteousness. You can’t be two but one, set yourself apart for God alone and from worldliness. There is nothing like being heavenly conscious and earthly useless, it is a language to discourage people from going into deeper love with God or Christ, nothing we achieve on earth as materials on earth God will reward us for but only the things we do for His glory and pleasure, for His praise, honour and adorations we can be rewarded for. Only the things we do as unto the Lord we can be rewarded for. You don’t need to be a pastor or anything before you give your life and body wholly to the Lord God, but as long as you believe in Jesus Christ, it is required of you to live a sanctified, holy and righteous life not meddling with ungodly and worldly things.


Dearly beloved, all that are in this world are lust of the eyes, lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life, and none of these things are of God (See 1John 2:15-16), but many Christians have all these things in their lives. Many Christians or church-goers love the things of this world, and they gladly embraced the messages of prosperity, success, and blessings, and anything outside this is useless to them. You can’t have the Spirit of God in you or be born of the Spirit and yet love the things of this world more than the things of the Spirit. It is written, whatever is born of the flesh is of the flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is of the spirit (See John 3:6). The love of the things of this world made Israel as a nation of God erred and whored till their destruction, to get the things of the world they are lusting for they do all idolatries and evil things to achieved their lusts of the eyes and of the flesh. Many Christians are ready to give any amount of money or pay any church rituals and ordinances for them to be given their earthly lusts, many pastors know many Christians are lusting for these worldly things and they are using the man-made invented messages of success, prosperity, and blessings to explore their purses and pockets. They have to sow seeds of different magnitude to get their lusts, pastors have lied to them that except they pay tithe and offerings their God will not bless them, they don’t tell them to live a holy, godly and righteous life for God to blessing them with materials lusts they are lusting for. But only paying of money in one way or another will make God open the gate of heaven for them, absurd! I would believe this darkness if God stop anybody not doing all these man-made invented money rituals in the church to turn Christ flocks into their money generating machines.

There are two types of Christians, they are the physical and spiritual Israel, the physical Israel are serving God because of the things of this world, they love rituals of money to achieve their lusts, they are not interested with the prospect of ending up in heaven. As many Israelites never entered in God’s rest because of their worldly love and lusts, even so many physical Israel (Christians) will be. 70% of the churches and Christians in this world are physical Israel, and they are not spiritually disciplined, minded, and interested about God and His knowledge and about His prepared heaven for them. They only want to have their lusts for the things of this world given to them by all means, and their uncrucified minds will not have peace until they achieve their lusts. Spiritual Israel set their affection on the heavenly things being dead and risen with Christ (See Colossians 3:1-2). They have one mission objective they prioritize above all things to make it to heaven and they are interested in all that will prepared them for heaven and draw them closer to God. They deny ungodliness, worldly lusts, they live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. Having food and raiment they are contented with that serving God. Spiritual Israel are very few, they know Christianity foundation is laid by Christ upon spiritual things and heavenly things not worldly and earthly. They know Christ doctrines were of godliness and Christ never preached prosperity, success, and blessings. Which Israelite are you, the physical or spiritual?


Dearly beloved, irrespective of whatever you may think you have achieved or accomplished in materials, glories, and fame in this world, still that is not the difference between us Christians and that is not the difference between us Christ flocks and the world. The difference between us Christians and that of Christ flocks and the world is knowledge. Our knowledge of the truth is going to determine where every one of us will end up eternally. Christ flocks should have the knowledge of heaven and hell which the world does not have, but unfortunately, many of Christ flocks are also ignorant of the truth about their eternal destination even as the world is. The cost of not seeking for the truth in everything we see and hear both inside and outside the church will cost many people eternal regrets and made them cry, had I know! Had I know!! Had I know!!!

Knowledge of the truth of what Christ demand from us and of the life God want us to live in this world, is going to separate the wise virgins from the foolish virgins, the sheep from the goats as we saw in Matthew 25:1-10, 31-41. The cost of not knowing and living in the truth is only eternal damnation and many Christians are not aware or conscious about it and many pastors are failing God in this very important thing about people’s lives. Jesus Christ is not happy, because He told me, 50% of Christians ending up in eternal life or eternal death is tied to the truth or lies their pastors feed them with. I can’t stop crying at times even as Jesus Christ is still cry for us because many don’t know the truths neither are many pastors or preachers preaching the truth. Tell me, without the truth, how can people be free? Knowledge is a deliverer, the scripture said, “…but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”—Proverb 11:9.


Dearly beloved, there something God want all His people to know, it is the truth, because He knows that lack of knowledge is ignorance, and people are destroyed because of their ignorance. The doctrine of Jesus Christ is not what many churches are preaching and it is what many Christians hate hearing or being preached. You may ask, what is the doctrine of Jesus Christ? The scripture said it is the doctrine according to godliness (See 1Timothy 6:3) not according to worldliness. Everything the messages of success, prosperity, and blessings are doing to many Christians is that it is making them loving the worldly things they are lusting for, making them more earthly, because these messages are only talking about materials blessings, success, and prosperity of worldly things not heavenly things. Pastors are the ones benefitting from preaching these messages, they lied to Christians that for you have all these they are lusting for they must sow this and that, pay this and that which are for their personal interests. They appear to be showing people the way but are spiritually misleading them. They are like every 419, who talk about your personal interests to blind your eyes and heart from their personal interests they want to get from you. They succeed in deceiving people because people are lusting for these worldly things. Many pastors are 419, but they only robbed Christ flocks with man-made invented rituals and ordinances, using God’s work as their cloak to cover their lusts for money from not being made know to ignorant Christians.

The doctrine of Christ is of godliness and only few preachers are preaching it, many churches are covered with man-made invented doctrines of success, blessings and prosperity, because many pastors saw what it was making all those preaching them to become financially so many of them resort to preaching it too and they are financially great, but their judgment from God await them. The end doesn’t justify the means with God but only with man, because our end is God’s beginning, and nothing less than holiness, righteousness, godliness, salvation, and repentance, pleases God. Nothing less than the truth pleases God in anything we are preaching about. Preach Christ doctrines not your own or man-made invented doctrines, anything not of Jesus Christ is against Him (See Matthew 12:30), even so are many churches and pastors with their messages against Jesus Christ. Repent dearly beloved from your controversy between light and darkness, heaven and earth, Christ and Satan (See 1Corinthians 10:21-22), and get your mind made up for Jesus Christ and His Word only. Repent from your secret sins and surrender all you are and have to Jesus Christ. Share this message with you friends. Shalom!

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