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Dearly beloved, because Jesus Christ wants people to enter heaven not ending up in death and hell, to be rapture not left behind, He is not tired of warning us and telling us the truth but we are always ignoring His messages which are not coming out from our trusted pastors and preachers. Every church and their denominations have laid their foundations and set their congregations on their paths. The broad and wide way is 80% and the straight and narrow way is 20%. Many churches and pastors have laid false or wrong foundations for many Christians and churches, and many Christians have built their faith and trust upon these wrong foundation instead of the foundation laid by the blood of Jesus Christ. Anything outside the foundation laid by the blood of Jesus Christ will justify no Christian from God’s wrath neither will make any Christian acceptable to God. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:1 “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

Dearly beloved, Jesus Christ said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” For all those Christians whose hope and confidence toward God are built upon church rituals and ordinances, religion dogmas, church activities and other works to please God, to earn his mercies, favour, justification, acceptance, forgiveness, access and boldness, they are building their hope on false foundations, woods, hays and stubbles. Nothing we do earn us God’s mercy, favour, and blessings but all that Jesus Christ has done for us, in us, with us by his death and blood earn us everything will receive from God as Christians. I have heard many Christians boasting of their man-made money tithes as the reason why God is doing this and that for them, and such Christians confidence and trust in God is through the money tithes they are paying, they will never see the blood of Jesus Christ as the source of all God’s favour we receive from Him.

Dearly beloved, I will keep speaking the truth Christ Jesus reveal to me, whether people like or hate me has nothing to do with me, and it doesn’t trouble me a bit, because Christ pleasures of seeing me telling people the truth is my joy. Some people are saying I am fighting against them not to pay their man-made money tithe, by saying it is the precept of men, even when it is in the Bible. I told them the truth, I would like you to hear and tell your friends. I am not against anybody supporting God’s works financially because I am a supporter of anything that will further the Gospel of Christ and glorify the Righteous Father, you can give billions and millions to God’s works, but my message which Jesus Christ gave me is the truth, many Christians confidence towards God are in what they are giving in terms of money to the church and pastors uncanny emphasis made them believe their giving matters most to God instead of their hearts (See Joel 2:13) and eternal safety. Trusting in these things are wrong foundations that have been laid for many Christians. Jesus Christ was weeping before me in 2015 when He told me, “My son, money is a god in the church, my people no longer trust and have confidence in my blood for their acceptance to my Father and their justification from His wrath, but in church rituals and ordinances.”

Dearly beloved, I will keep saying the truth about money tithe there is no logomachy, it’s not God invention, but man-made (handwriting of Roman Emperor Constantine), but pastors unwillingness to stop extorting Christ flocks is the logomachy, I wish every pastor and all that want to be pastor sensitized people about Jesus Christ redemption sacrifice and his shed blood, anything of the flesh has controversy but not so with the things of the spirit. I hate talking about carnal things, church rituals and ordinances, nobody question me about Christ blood and other spiritual things wherever I have been preaching God’s Word till now but I am bombarded with questions when I speak about rituals and ordinances (money tithe). If pastors couldn’t tell people the truth, but threaten them with Malachi 3:8-10 because of their ignorance of what Galatians 3:13 is saying, and their confidence and trust toward God is built on woods, hays, and stubbles, they are trampling upon Christ blood shed for our all in all we have in God and from God. If grace and truth came from Christ and the law came from Moses (See John 1:17), these are two foundations, we can’t build on both, we are either with Malachi 3:8-10 or we are with Galatians 3:10-13

From last week till now I have had no rest answering one question after another about money tithe where I preached on people building their faith toward God in these man-made rituals and ordinances. I keep asking myself, Why are people so acutely sensitive to tithe issue both pastors and Christians have awaken consciousness whenever it’s talked about? I could see now why Jesus Christ told me, that many Christians faith and confidence towards God lies in tithes. I will keep preaching against people faith and confidence on this man made works. I wish I will have many questions when I preach or write about salvation, righteousness, sanctification, godliness, and holiness, but all my years of preaching till now nobody have ask me any question about them because they are spiritual not carnal like tithe. Let’s talk about Christ and other things that edify people spiritually and build our confidence and trust on Christ blood not on woods, hays, and stubbles which are false or wrong foundations many Christians faith are standing upon..

Many Christians are not alive unto God in the spirit and through Jesus Christ, but alive unto God through church rituals and ordinances. Their faith, hope, and confidence towards God are based upon the things of this world. Having been told by their pastors that their money tithe is the gate way of their blessings, success, and prosperity, they have built their hope on these things. They are so sensitive about money tithes and offerings than holiness, righteousness, godliness, sanctification, heaven, and Jesus Christ. Christians have prioritized things that won’t take them to heaven because their affections are not on the things in heaven. The scripture said in Colossians 3:1-2, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Many Christians don’t have any curiosity to see God’s face and that’s why holiness is never their desires or interest, without holiness no man shall see God (See Hebrews 12:14). Nobody can be holy without sanctification from the world, its love and pleasures. Many pastors who told their congregations that wearing artificial make up doesn’t matter, won’t tell them these same thing that paying of tithe doesn’t matter, they make people defiled themselves with thing God hates because they want their money. Many Christians are not sensitive about sanctification and about their bodies. If they know their body is the temple of God (See 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:18-20), they won’t defiled it with artificial make up, and their failures to stop their congregations from all these worldly things will make them end up in eternal damnation even with some of their congregations.

Since Jesus Christ made me know and see the confidence of many Christians toward God lies in tithes and offering, I have been preaching against it, many Christians confidence, faith, and hope are not in Jesus Christ and on his blood, and of the things in heaven. But on the things of this world, materials riches, prosperity, success and blessings, and all these are what their pastors have promised them they will be given by God if they are paying their man made money tithes. Many Christians are miserable because of these things their hopes are built upon. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:19, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” And because of money tithe many pastors are trampling upon the blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ told me, 80% of Christians in this world are serving him because of the things of this world. They can’t deny this truth, the evidence is seen in their desires and uncanny appetite to do whatever religion dogmas their pastors tell them to do for success and blessings. Why they desperately pay money tithe and see it as a necessity is because of physical blessings not spiritual. Holiness and righteousness, sanctification and godliness, prayers and fasting, and rapture and heaven doesn’t command their attention like money tithe, and they never prioritized these things nor see them as a necessity for their journey to heaven and for their eternal safety.

My hope is built on nothing else but on Jesus Christ blood, love and his righteousness, his works of redemption. Anything less than Jesus Christ and his blood your hope and faith is built upon is a getaway to eternal death. If it’s built upon tithe and offerings you should repent now. I am not preaching against paying your money tithe or for it but telling you it’s not a bit reason why God is doing any good thing for you in this world. If you see tithe as the reason your faith and hope lies there and you are saying your works is better than Christ blood. And you will glorify yourself or show your pride saying because I do this and do that, that is why God is doing this and that for me (See Romans 9:16; Exodus 33:19; Psalm 75:6-7; 1 Samuel 2:6-7), and you will humble yourself and put your trust on the blood of Jesus Christ that speaks better things for us (See Hebrews 12:24) not in our human wisdom or works. I keep saying if God is blessing people physically with materials because of what they are doing for Him, I will have no room to accommodate His materials blessing for my soul, but my house Jesus Christ had showed me in heaven is better than any material blessing in this world.

There is one thing God want all mankind to know, it’s the truth about Him, his works, hates and likes to avoid being deceived by the devil, his churches, and his ministers. The greater the truth we know the lesser the influences and manipulation of the devil and religion dogmas over us. Jesus Christ said in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The truth many Christians don’t know now may cost them eternal regrets, I had know after rapture and after their death. The truth is a treasure of inestimable value nobody can manipulate you by God’s Word if you know the truth.

Many Christians are blind, deaf, dumb, lame and lost spiritually, they don’t see themselves so because of their physical, financial, and materials status. They don’t know the truth about God’s Word, works, ways, Satan corrupting seeds and his devilish subtle ways, and the ways of men, the precepts and traditions of the elders. The consequences of not knowing the truth are eternal. It’s written in Ephesians 5:14 “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.”

Dearly beloved, pray that you be not left behind after the trumpet sound of rapture. If you’re one of those whose confidence, faith, and hope of God’s blessings, mercy and favour comes upon because you pay man made money tithe in church, and your allegiance to God is through tithe. Let me tell you, after rapture Saturday and Sunday service will be no more because Anti-Christ reign and rule will shutdown all churches killing and destroying leftover Christians. Then your false hope will be taken away from you.

Pastors telling people that paying tithe is the way to God’s blessing is a spiritual scam from the 5th-21st century. If you know the truth in Exodus 33:19; Psalm 75:6-7, 1 Samuel 2:6-7; Romans 9:16; Daniel 4:17, 32, you won’t believe them like me. Why is Dangote a non tither richer than all Christians and pastors in Africa? Why are many Christians faithful in paying not turning into millionaire? Why are Jeff Bezos the world richest man, Warren buffet the second richest man, and Bill Gates the third richest man on earth are not tithers, yet are all round blessed by God? It is absurd to believe such lie.

If your hope, faith, and confidence towards God is in tithes and offerings, going to church, fasting and praying, preaching God’s Word and others, and not on Jesus Christ blood and his righteousness, you won’t see God any more when these things ceased. It’s good to do anything good and approved by God but erroneous to believe that God will justify us by any work. Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life. He’s the pillar holding our souls, our only hope of ending in heaven. It’s all about Jesus Christ, not me, not you, our G.O’s, not church and not Christianity.

Dearly beloved, you dare not trust in your church rituals and ordinances where you can pride in your work, because if God judge you by works of your hands and laws, you won’t be justified. But trust in Christ blood and Name, it’s written in 1 Corinthians 3:11, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” The foundation of your victory over sins and Satan, of your blessing, success, prosperity, eternal salvation has been laid by the blood of Jesus Christ. This is the cause why you receive good things from God not because of tithes and offering. “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” John 1:16.
In rituals and ordinances (law) we are incomplete because the motivation to serve God was because of materials blessings and things of this world, and their hopes like of many Christians today are built on physical blessings. But in Christ, it’s written in Colossians 2:10, “And ye are complete in him (Jesus Christ).” Our (sanctified Christians) hope is built on nothing else but on Jesus Christ love, blood and righteousness, we live in hope of eternal life in heaven. We should be serving God in hope of eternal life not because of blessings and materials. It’s written in Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.” Share with your friends, repent from your secret sins. Rapture is at hand. Shalom!

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