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Dearly beloved, it may surprise you if somebody tells you that you don’t know God after your many years of calling yourself a Christian or Pastor, and you will be easily embarrassed at hearing such word. But if someone tells me such thing, I won’t be embarrassed, but I will tell him or her to tell me how, that I might know Him. Many Christians in this present world are scared of the truth and those who speak the truth, and the problem is this, we are brought up in cocoons of religious dogmas and doctrines and when we see or hear anything outside what we have been brought up with, we don’t care whether it is of God or not but to throw it away or reject it without proving it. There are basic things in Christianity that many Christians and Pastors’ still for the years they have been Christians and Pastors’ don’t know them. No wonder Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:7, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Beside revelations, if anybody has read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation more than five times, and still failed to separate what belongs to God from what belongs to man, then such person is a product of 2Timothy 3:7. Many Christians and Pastors’ don’t know the truth about God in what God want us to involve in and not involve, do and not do, say and not say, accept and reject, and not until we know these things, we shouldn’t boldly say we knows God. We must know our limitations when it comes to walking with God, where God want us to involved and not involved.

The bible is there for us all to search, prove, and study like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, to know the truth, because nobody will tell you the truth easily about what you have been conformed to as your religion dogmas and your denominational doctrines. Why many Christians don’t know God is simply, because our trusted Pastors’ and G.O’s never also know the truth for the years they have been in the ministry, some of them know the truth but their personal interests hinders them from ever speaking it. Nothing about preaching God loves more than telling people the truth in preaching, speaking, and teaching the Word of God. I speak about the wrong foundation last week, and they are laid by our denominations founders, G.O’s and others, it is these wrong foundations that made many of us believed we can play a role in our justification from God’s wrath and our sins, and can play a role in our acceptance to God. And such thing has made many Christians pride in themselves and their so called God’s work. Concerning our justification before God and our acceptance to Him, we can’t play any role in this matter. This truth is what many Christians haven’t known that made them do all religion dogmas and man-made invented doctrines of their Church denominations and believing they are playing a part in their justification and acceptance from and to God. Some people sees it as a sin or crime if they don’t pay their man-made money tithe and won’t feel comfortable, but won’t feel the same way if he or she is dwelling in secret sins. Why? It’s is because of Pastors’ emphasis on these man-made rituals or ordinances not because God declare curse upon anybody for what is not even His law (that we should pay tithe with money), even that of His law (the Levitical Priesthood that made Malachi 3:8-10 exist), He has abolished it by Christ blood (See Galatians 3:10-13).

Dearly beloved, pride is our biggest problem in this world, especially the pride of life, it is because of this many of us engaged ourselves in many things which have no spiritual benefits to our souls neither gives glory to God. Because of pride of life many Christians wants to play a role in God’s blessings, favour, goodness, justification, and acceptance of and for them. If we can play any role that will please or satisfy God, God would have found no reason to send Jesus Christ to die for us. Many Pastors’ emphasis on religion dogmas, rituals and ordinances laid this belief in the hearts of many Christians that they must play a part in their justification from God and acceptance to God. They must play a part in God’s blessing and goodness for them. If God’s blessings, favour, and mercies are what we don’t merit by work, how can we play any role in it, and still called these things unmerited. Pride makes us to struggle for recognition and think ourselves to be something even before God. Pride the scripture said, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”—Proverbs 16:18. Pride makes us try to do all religion ordinances for our justification and acceptance to God. Works always set up the ground for pride, and works have made many of us to think we have arrived already in Heaven even why we are still travelling along this world that is so narrow. Works have many Christians believed that all their Pastors’ and G.O’s are sure candidates for heaven not because they know their secret works but because of their many year in services.

Jesus Christ told me something in the Pit of Hell, saying, “My son, I have justified you to called you mine own, I have justified you before you were born to preach my Word, I have accepted you not by your works but by Mine, even though you preach my Word all over the earth, it is not a cause for your justification before me, all these things I have told you and showed you, keep them, preach them, and live the life I have told you to live, if you don’t want to end up here.” I can’t think myself for one reason to be anything better than anybody, I hate worldly recognitions because it is what many Pastors’ are fighting for and if you are speaking the truth, you won’t find that. Many Pastors’ or preachers of the Word of God are marketing themselves and their products, and if they are speaking the truth, they won’t have many followers and buyers. Pride is the biggest problem many Christians are having. You can’t play any role in your justification and acceptance from and to God, and no amount of works can give you that, and let it be clear to you that you cannot play a role in these and you have nothing to glory in your justification and acceptance from God and to God. I will explain to you why you can’t play any role in the matter of your justification and acceptance from and to God, using Satan’s accusations of us as the reason why we can’t trust in anything of ourselves for our justification and acceptance from and to God.

Dearly beloved, our acceptance to God can never be the products of our works or the doings of our Church rituals and ordinances. If God accept us by reason of our works, Church rituals and ordinances, then our works can give us salvation from our sins, justification from Satan’s accusations which no human being can ever overcome without anything from God and of God. If your Pastors’ make you believed that because of money tithes and offerings, money donations or giving, working in the Church, preaching God’s Word are the reasons why you are acceptable to God, blessed, succeeding, and excelling, they have laid a wrong foundation for you to work down to death and hell. I am not telling you not to do any work whether of God or not, but what I am saying is this, never believed it is the reason why God will justify and accept you. Don’t put your faith in anything for your acceptance to God, save only the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Those who trust in anything outside Christ blood for their acceptance to God will end up being rejected by God or cast way by God. Nothing made us acceptable to God, it’s only the blood of Jesus Christ (See Ephesians 2:13). Satan’s accusations of us before God day and night could have moved God against us to crush us but there Christ blood speak better things for us before God (See Colossian’s 1:22).

To have a clear conscience is to be free from self or heart condemnation our sins brings upon us, we can’t approach God if our hearts condemn us, but only Christ blood that is acceptable to God can make us acceptable to God (See Ephesians 2:13). Satan’s accusations always tell man or show man reasons why man is not acceptable to God and when man truly consider all the faults and sins Satan accused him of, feelings of unworthiness will wear man and make man believe he is not acceptable to God. We are not to look to our works to find justification from God and acceptance to God. But that is what Satan always turns man’s eyes to, that is, man’s works not the blood of Jesus Christ and man always sink into Satan’s water of accusations.

Dearly beloved, anything that made any man to look to anything that is not the blood of Jesus Christ to save him from secret sins, dead works, and Satan’s accusations that brought him guilty conscience, is preparing man for rebellion against God and for the destruction of his own soul. If God finds satisfaction in the blood of Jesus Christ and crush us not for our sins, why can’t man accept God’s valuation of the blood of Jesus Christ? Our problem of trying to play a part in anything of God, so that we can be proud of our roles or parts, saying because I do this, I do that, and that is why things are working well, is why many always try to play a part in their justification from God’s wrath which they cannot. People trying to look at their works, roles, their good conducts or works to find justification from Satan’s accusations of them before God will die in their struggles, because the only thing that justified us before God is the blood of Jesus Christ and we can’t play any part in it. All we have to do is to accept what God has found satisfaction in, which is Christ blood.

We can’t play any part in our justification before God, Christ Jesus has done it all, but we just have to accept His works and value it according to God’s valuation of the blood of Jesus Christ. No man can find justification from God by our own works (See Galatians 2:16; 3:11) or by the works of the law. We can’t approach God by our own merit, because pride will spring from our hearts. God’s appointed and approved way for our justification from His wrath against our sins and acceptance to Him is through the blood of Jesus Christ and we must have faith in Christ blood to overcome Satan’s accusations. We must put our trust in Christ blood because it is the only thing that conquers Satan’s accusations and silent them. Satan accuses man every day and every time, so we must trust, believe, have faith, and confidence in Christ blood to overcome Satan’s accusations day and night. We can’t have a clear conscience by our works, only the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us can give us clear or cleanse conscience (See Hebrews 9:14).

Dearly beloved, not until man humbles himself before God wholly through Jesus Christ, he will continue to look into himself and his works for justification and acceptance from and to God. Such is the works of pride and Satan is the father of pride (See Isaiah 14:12-14), he wants it to also be about him not God alone. And this spirit of pride is why many don’t want to see that Christ blood only speaks for their justification and acceptance from and to God, they want to see their roles and parts, for them it can’t be all about Christ. And because of such darkness, God cast out Satan from heaven because he doesn’t want it to be all about God. If you have been to heaven by revelations as Christ have taken me there on several occasions, you will see it is all about Jesus Christ there, no any other person or angel no matter their high positions or ranks. Satan doesn’t want it to be all about Christ only, and that is why he made people look the wrong things and ways for their justification and acceptance from and to God. And no man can ever have that perfect work that Satan’s accusation is asking from man, but only Jesus Christ have the perfect work that pleased and satisfied God’s demand because of His holiness and righteousness. If our works gives us justification and acceptance from and to God, then Satan will be restored to heaven, Jesus Christ blood shed will be in vain, and man then can pride in himself before God. Only Christ Jesus blood speaks for us the better things God’s holiness and righteousness wants to see and hear (See Colossian’s 1:22; Hebrews 12:24). Only Jesus Christ has the perfect work which Satan’s accusations can’t stand against but flee from it. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that gives us redemption (See Ephesians 1:7), deliverance (See Colossian’s 1:13), justification from sins and God’s wrath (See Romans 5:9), acceptance to God (See Ephesians 2:13), forgiveness (See Colossian’s 1:14), access and boldness into God’s presence (See Hebrews 10:19), and other better things. If our works gives us salvation or redemption, then it could have justified us before God and be used to cripple Satan’s accusations, but there is nothing like that, saved only the blood of Jesus Christ did all for us. Apostle Peter said, “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conservation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish without spot.”—1 Peter 1:18-19.

Satan’s accusations can’t be overcome by anything from us and of us, but only by the blood of Jesus Christ (See Revelation 12:11). Don’t look to yourself, but unto the blood of Jesus Christ. Our standing with God was secured by the blood of Jesus Christ, and our continual access into God’s presence is still the work of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (See Ephesians 2:13; Hebrews 10:19, 22). It is the blood of Jesus Christ that gives us boldness into God’s presence not our works and if our works would or could justify us before God and made us acceptable to Him, there would have been no reason for Christ coming to die for us.
Only Christ blood is all God needs to justify us from His wrath and nothing else and that is why Satan’s accusations of us before God can’t move God against us, because something satisfying His wrath is given unto Him by Christ His Son’s blood. Satan don’t want people to look to the blood of Jesus Christ nor trust and believe in it, so that they can remain victims of his accusations, and so that he can continue to manipulate them and make them rebel against God by reason of his accusations of God before them. The blood of Jesus Christ made God impute on us righteousness, and not His wrath (See Psalm 32:2; Romans 4:8). With the blood of Jesus Christ we are cleansed and our consciences are purged from dead works to serve the living God (See Hebrews 9:14). No conscience could ever be void of offence without Christ blood, and it is the blood of Jesus Christ that gives us boldness before God and in His presence.

Dearly beloved, it is written, “ That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”—1 Corinthians 2:5. Let not your faith, hope, confidence, and trust in God stand in Church rituals and ordinances, nor in your money giving, donations of money and others, for your justification from your secret sins and unrighteousness, and for your acceptance unto God. Let it be clear to you right now, many rituals and ordinances are the works of human wisdom not God’s appointed and approved, and many of them are not Biblical but man-made or invention. Put your trust, faith, hope, and confidence in Jesus Christ, His Name and His blood for your justification from your secret sins and God’s wrath, and your acceptance to God (See Romans 5:9; Ephesians 2:13; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19) . Worship God through Jesus Christ in truth and in Spirit not through rituals, ordinances, and religion dogmas. And repent from your secret sins and humble yourself before God through Jesus Christ. Only the truth you know can make you free. Share with your friends, Shalom!

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