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Dearly beloved, the love of money as the root of all evil is also the root of all lying, distortion of God’s Word, using God’s name and work to rake into bank account silver and gold by 95% Pastors in this world. Money has determined the eternal destinies of many Pastors’ and will certainly still do so, unto many of them that are still alive. I pity those who always find excuses to corrupt themselves using another man’s word and work as a platform for their self-corruption. Some even many have been using God’s Word as a cloak to hide their inordinate affection for money, some are using it to defend their erring and whoring, others are using it logically to fool others and conceal their own folly. But one thing is certain many will surely use God’s Word, name, and work to their own destruction because of their lusts for money and pride of life. Apostle Paul never writes nor speaks in any of his epistle to demonstrate man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and God’s power (1Corinthians 2:4). And for those with uncrucified minds they will interpret His Words to their own destruction because all that Paul knows and speak of were giving to him by Revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ who called him.

Paul speak and write from the knowledge of God he received by revelation not by education and those who see it from educational angle will certainly fool themselves. Apostle Peter warned saying, “…even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; as also in all his epistle, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to understand, which they that are unlearned (of Christ, see Ephesians 4:20), and unstable (uncrucified, erring and whoring) wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”—2 Peter 3:15-16. Apostle Peter knows the truth of what Paul said in 1Corinthians 2:14, but many Pastors’ because of money hold the truth in unrighteousness because of their love for money. And some of them don’t mind jeopardizing their eternal destinies because of money. Apostle Paul never set the world and its love upon his heart neither the materialistic things of this world and the comfort of the flesh as many Pastors’ are desperately looking for. And using God’s name and work is their means to achieve their lusts. Not hundreds of Pastors’ among the millions will desire to live like Apostle Paul but they like referencing their acts and lusts to his word which they misinterpreted or distorted for a cloak to cover or defend their lusts. Apostle Paul set up many Churches but never called any after his name nor put his picture in each of the Church sign board as many Churches are doing today. Paul knew it was not about him, but all about Jesus Christ.

But what it is today is all about Churches, Pastors’ and their personalities and their denominations are all people know and talk about instead of Christ and His Word. People won’t ask you how is your growth in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, but always asking which Church are you attending? Churches are striving against one another because it is not about Jesus Christ but the personalities of men, yet every Church is proclaiming they are for Christ and of Christ , but the scripture said in 2Timothy 2:19, “…The Lord knoweth them that are his.” And if there is any truth in such proclaiming that they of Christ, then we should ask ourselves this question, is Christ divided? No! But denominations and Churches are divided, and they are spoken of instead of Christ. Pastors’ made it so. You might be wondering why will Paul condemn many Pastors’ on the day of judgment, but I have showed you one, how Paul never made the Churches of Christ about himself as many Pastors’ are doing today. And another one is this many Pastors’ hiding themselves under Paul’s word to rob the Churches and extort them using God’s works, and the Emperor Constantine man-made tithe and offerings to enrich themselves by turning Christ flocks into their money generating machines. I have heard many discussions and logomachies about the man-made tithes and offerings of money; some see it as a controversy, but I do not see it as controversy, it is simple and clear, God is not the author of confusion and people and Pastors’ personal interests makes them never admit the truth because of their personal interests they are getting from it, and they are also ignorant of what the spiritual consequences of this man-made (Emperor Constantine) money tithe is doing to many Christians.

Many Christians look to this man-made tithe and offerings of money for their justification from their secret sins and their acceptance to God, but this is what only the blood of Jesus Christ can do, and many Christians are highly ignorant of what the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking for mankind before God. The confidence of many Christians towards God lies in this money man-made tithe. Sinners inside the church are beaming with confidence because they believe they are helping God with their money because of Pastors’ uncanny emphasis on money tithe. Nobody or nation can pay biblical or God’s appointed and approved tithe simply because God told Israel to give the Levites tithe from the promised land He gave to them if it was money other nations could pay it and if it is written, but no nation has a promised land save only Israel and even the promised land is not even paying the God’s appointed and approved tithe from 70 A.D till today. Money tithe is a means Pastors are generating money for themselves, you can’t force people to give to God for their own blessings, where money is at stake, lies, striving, controversy, and other pandemonium are present. During all these striving about money inside the Church, I have heard and seen many Pastors’ pointing to Apostle Paul’s word in 2 Corinthians 11:7-8, “Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely? I robbed other Churches, taking wages of them, to do service.” As their reason for extorting the flocks of Christ and His church. Some use the verse above to defend their collections of man-made money tithes and offerings in the Churches. I have heard some saying, if God will not punish Apostle Paul for doing so, why will He punished them.

If there’s anywhere in the Bible Apostle Paul and others received support for their ministries, it was voluntarily, and they never constrained anybody to give them money nor tell lies using God’s works and name. Many Pastors are quoting 2 Corinthians 11:8, “I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.” To defend, their extorting of Christ flocks. But Apostle Paul, do not robbed anybody as Pastors robbing Christ flocks are using Malachi 3:8-9, to convince Christ flock that they are robbing God. Paul cleared 2Corinthians 11:8, with these two scripture verses, 2Corinthians 11:9, “And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.” And again, Paul said in 2Thessalonians 3:8, “Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you.” Apostle Paul never extorted anybody or church for his personal interests as many pastors are doing today. Paul using the word robbed was talking about not being with them, even why he was in another place doing God’s work, the church in Macedonia where still send him victuals and other goods, it was because of this he used the word robbed, it wasn’t a collection or extortion of money but not rendered service. It was not talking about money here (2Corinthians 11:8) as many Pastors’ are assuming, presuming, and supposing, and anytime they hear the word “robbed” in the Bible they referred it to money, like in Malachi 3:8-9. But in Malachi 3:8-9, Israel failed in paying tithes and offering to the Levites as they professed in their covenant making with God (See Exodus 24:1-8). Malachi 3:8-9, was echoed because of this scripture verse (Nehemiah 13:10) that holds the truth of what leads to Malachi 3:8-10.

Tithe was never paid with money in the scripture till the day the Levitical Priesthood records of the Levites were burnt in 70 A.D, by the Roman Emperor Nero. Money tithes was created by Emperor Constantine in the 3rd century, it’s not God’s created but man-made, not God’s design, but man-made. God knows the power of money and never allowed Israel used it to pay tithes and offerings. Not because money wasn’t in existence, God’s chosen things of tithes paying were farming products. On Paul’s word, “I robbed”, it wasn’t even money, other Churches gave gifts and goods to Paul, some were calling him to come and minister to them. But he was with the Corinthians Church ministering to them, while others who called him, wants him, desire him to come and minister to them the Word of God, were not attended to yet, but Paul was busy fixing the Corinthians Churches. Striping others of their services he ought to have rendered to them was the reason he used that word “I robbed” to say, I was serve good things because they want me to come but I didn’t go, so I rob them, that’s denying them of the service he should have rendered them, in-spite of all they were doing to have Paul come to them. To rob can be to deprive, to take a way, to bypass. The word robbed used by Paul have nothing to do with extorting of money, it has no connection with money, but many Pastors’ misinterpret the Bible more than anybody to support or defend their claims, personal interests or lusts. They are using Paul’s word to their own destruction. From what 2Corinthians 11:7-8, says, I observed something about this scripture verses above which those who are using it as a cloak to cover and defend their extortion of money from God’s flocks or Christ sheep do not see because of their lusts or personal interests which have blinded their eyes from the truth. People always defend what satisfy their lusts whether it pleases God or not, His will or not.

I will quote the verses and analyze them as reasons why Apostle Paul will rise in judgment and condemn many Pastors’. Lusts are infatuations it blinds people eyes and hearts from seeing their judgments and knowing the truth. The love (inordinate affection) of money is infatuation, which kills, steal, and destroy even as the act of illicit sex does. “Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely? I robbed other Churches, taking wages of them, to do service.” And now, before looking at Apostle Paul statements, many Pastors’ are depending upon for their justification for turning Christ sheep or flocks into their money generating machines. I want you to take note of these facts below:

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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