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  1. Nothing we received from God’s grace is to be sold, given, preach, talk, or done for money sake (See Matthew 10:8; Acts 8:18-20). Apostle Peter knows this truth and Apostle Paul also know it. So they can’t preach the gospel and tasked people to pay them for it, they were not paying themselves by collecting tithes and offerings from Christ flocks, and they know God who employed them will pay them not them paying themselves as many Pastors’ are doing. They can’t devour God’s children with cunning craftiness or logic to eat and drink, buy and build, tell them to be doing man-made rituals and ordinances and still be calling it of God, they never said tithe is used for doing God’s work neither do God said so in the Bible.
  2. God is not the author of confusion (See 1Corinthians 14:33), but our lusts and ignorance can bring us or cause us confusion not God. Controversy doesn’t exist in God’s Word, because it is settled forever, many Pastors’ lusts for money to achieve their earthly lusts made them claim that man-made tithe is of God, and is for doing God’s work. God in Numbers 18:20-26, made it clear about why the Levites are entitled to collect tithe from their brethren the other eleven tribes. Pastors’ are feasting upon Christ flocks ignorance of the biblical truth. Jesus Christ who told me that money is a god in the church and that His flocks have been turned into money generating machines, knows everything, but still many Pastors’ will not admit the truth because of their personal interests they are getting from the man-made money tithes. There is no controversy about whether tithe should be paid or not, God doesn’t make tithe a law for any other purpose than for the Levitical priesthood only which was totally terminated in A.D 70 for grace and truth which they reject to have preeminence (See Hebrews 8:13). People because of their personal interests don’t want to admit the truth. Money tithe is many Christians confidence towards God, and they look to it for justification from their secret sins and acceptance to God.
  3. God’s work is a selfless service, not a paid Job, not a self-rewarding work but a God rewarding work (See 2Timothy 4:7-8; 2Corinthians 10:12). All Christ apostles including Paul never reward themselves nor compensate and commend themselves. If God’s work is a paid job, then Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others never worked for God, God forbid. When you are truly serving God’s flocks in truth, God will certainly be touching people hearts to give you gifts of any types such as you may have need of. For example, after church members have presented their prayers request to you as a Pastor, you fasted and pray continually about them till God give them answers. They will give many things to thank God for His mercies upon them. A man of God was told by a member she has cancer that has been in her for five years and never responded to any treatment, the Pastor said he cried to God as if the woman was his mother or wife, and God wonderfully removed the cancer. The woman said, Lord, what shall I render unto you? On her thanks giving day, she presented a Lexus Jeep and a cheque of 5million to thank God. God blessed His servant with such, for he never charged the woman because it was God power that manifested the healing not the Pastor himself.
  4. In Christ, and in grace and truth dispensation, no man in Christ Jesus has rob God and no man in Christ Jesus owes, and no man in Christ Jesus is cursed, because, Jesus Christ had paid all our debts we owe God and removed all curses by His precious blood, except those who are outside Jesus Christ and despised Jesus Christ by all means (See Romans 5:9; Galatians 3:10-13). Pastors’ doesn’t know the darkness of quoting Malachi 3:8-9 to Christ flocks that they are trampling upon Christ blood. Malachi 3:8-9 is a different dispensation before grace and truth dispensation came on board. To take Christ flocks back to dispensation they have nothing to do with is spiritually a set back and it makes many Christians not looking to Jesus Christ blood for their justification and acceptance from God and to God. That was one of the reasons that made God threw away that dispensation (See Hebrews 8:8-13), because people are looking to their works to find His justification and acceptance, and such thing is still being done because of Pastors uncanny emphasis on this man-made money tithe. I pray that God help many Pastors to know the truth and admit the truth and yield completely to the truth in the name of Jesus Christ.
  5. There is no excuse for failure before God (See Genesis 3:10-19). Adam and Eve will tell you the truth that there is no excuse for failure before God, their excuses never stopped God from punishing them, what about those who despised Jesus Christ the salvation of God (See Hebrews 10:28-31). I listed these facts for you to understand my analysis or emphasis of mine of 2 Corinthians 11:7-8. In analyzing these verses, see, many Pastors’ assumptions, their lusts for their personal interests, and defend of their lusts, why Paul will condemned them who used His Word for their justification or defending of their extorting God’s flocks started with this quote, “because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?” Some Pastors’ didn’t see the truth, but it is because of their lusts and personal interests. I have heard many of them saying, for preaching the gospel, their energy and time they spent in doing so for the congregation that they deserve better things even more. Some are saying the church should give them their lusts for preaching God’s Word to them.

I have questioned many Pastors’ did God force people to do His work of preaching the gospel for Him? Many of them always say God called me, God called me. And if He called you, why complaining to the Church to give you your lusts. Does God call you to come and be collecting money from people for preaching the gospel? Apostle Paul only asked a question, but many Pastors’ assumptions of the word “I have preached to you the gospel of God freely”, is that, something must be given to those who sacrifice their time and energy to preach the gospel. But this wasn’t what Paul was talking about but some Pastors’ turned it into money issue as to whether it should be preached freely or something should be given to preachers of the gospel, which probably must be money. Many Pastors’ like quoting the scripture out of context just to defend or justify their lusts or personal interests. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others preached the Word of God freely nobody paid them neither do they asked or begged people for compensation of their time and energy, because they knew they are servants of the greatest King. But many Pastors’ in this present world are motivated by money to preach the Word of God which they called God’s work, but God’s work is a selfless service which Jesus Christ and all His disciples did. It is not a paid job nor self-rewarding work, but many Pastors’ defending themselves of why they should be given their lusts by the Church congregations and by their man-made invented tithes and offerings, and some of them always quote 2Timothy 2:6 and 1Timothy 5:18 which are even Paul’s words, to claim that they deserve the money they are collecting from God’s flocks. I have seen many Pastors’ boldly saying that they deserved whatever they are collecting which is money. “I robbed other Churches, taking wages of them to do you service.” I explain this before but I will explain it again. On Paul’s word, “I robbed”, it wasn’t even money, other Churches gave gifts and goods to Paul, some were calling him to come and minister to them. But he was with the Corinthians Church ministering to them, while others who called him, wants him, desired him to minister to them the Word of God, and was not attended to yet, but Paul was busy fixing the Corinthians Churches. And you can see the reason in verse 2 of the same 2Corinthians 11.

Striping others of their services he ought to have rendered to them was the reason he used the word “I robbed”. To rob can be to deprive someone or people what are fundamentally their rights. Here, it wasn’t stealing of money or getting it through dubious means, it doesn’t mean stealing as some may assume. The word robbed used by Paul has nothing to do with extorting of money, it has no connection with money, but many Pastors’ misinterpret the Bible more than anybody to support or defend their claim or lusts. They will use Paul’s words to their own destruction. Apostle Paul will condemned many Pastors’ on that day of Judgment for these reasons, he never preached the gospel because of money he will get nor collect from people as many are running into Pastoral colleges to become Pastors’ to earn livelihood from the Church man-made invented offerings and tithes. Paul never speaks any word as a platform for the flesh to fulfill its lusts as many Pastors’ are interpreting his words to be so. Apostle Paul never look unto man-made tithes and offering to earn a living as many Pastors’ are doing in this present world. Many are hanging upon his word for their own destruction. God never called him to be a billionaire by preaching the gospel nor collecting money from those he preached to. I have seen and heard many Pastors’ and some filthy lucre preachers after preaching the gospel they will compel people to support God’s work with money. I cried to God, what is the ado in preaching the gospel that I should be collecting money from people I preached to? I told God I have never preached your word because of money from the day I started preaching till now and will never do it. Money has no place between me and the gospel of Christ I preached.

Preachers of the Word of God are not helping God or anybody as some assumed but themselves (See Nahum 1:15; Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15). The Word of God purifies and sanctifies those who preach it in purity of their spirits and in truth. This is one of the truth Paul was talking about in 1Timothy 5:18; 2Timothy 2:6. Many Pastors’ want every reward of God and of labour in God to be money, money, and money. Apostle Paul emphasis was mainly on our eternal hope and sanctification not of materials and money, he never teaches or preaches what will mislead people and if any is misled by his messages it is because the person or persons are spiritually blind. But many Pastors’ are defending their lusts and personal interests with his words for their own destruction because of the love of money. “I robbed other Churches, taking wages of them”, this quote was quoted by many Pastors’ during a discussion why Pastors’ are collecting tithes and offerings weekly. 80% of Pastors’ are ready to die for their personal interests rather than for the interest of Christ. Some said Paul robbed Churches, but God do not condemned him, and even if they rob Churches God will not also condemned them.

I said this is abuse of God’s mercy and grace, justifying themselves by Paul’s word “taking wages of them”, but Paul will condemned many Pastors’ who quoted his word out of context and purpose to defend their lusts. They forgot Saul was a King in Israel, but an act of disobedience made God removed him from his throne. David was also a king of Israel, but an act of adultery and murder still kept him on throne. Different measure of grace is the reason. Paul never robbed any Church financially as many Pastors’ are doing, he never collected offerings and tithes as many Pastors’ are doing, Christ interest was all that consumed him not personal interest like that of many Pastors’. Paul will condemned many Pastors’ using his word to defend their lusts, because he devoted his life for Christ and the gospel with all of his heart, which only 3% of Pastors’ can be found with same. Paul never married nor have children, he sacrificed all these for the freedom to further the gospel which less than 5% Pastors’ can’t do. If it was to be true that he robbed the Churches money, but he never used it to decorate his life as many Pastors’ are doing today, or for personal interest as many Pastors’ are robbing God’s flocks to polish themselves and their families, buy expensive cars, jet, suit, shoes, and building of castles and mansions here and there for their children inheritance.

What Paul sacrificed for the gospel sake not 2% of Pastors’ in this present world can dare do it. Paul will condemn many of them because he placed the flocks of Christ above his personal interests, but many Pastors’ do the opposite of that. The most grieving and annoying thing about many Pastors’ is that they have turned taking of wages and robbing of the Churches to a tradition of the Church worldwide. Apostle Paul never said all Churches should do whatever he does, he never robbed any Church congregation money like many Pastors’, he robbed other Churches of services he thought he should have done for them, not because he owe them. It wasn’t a compulsion but he made it so for himself because of his love for Christ (See 1Corinthians 9:16; 2Corinthians 11:3). Paul was more than a Pastor, when he gathers a Church he set trusted teachers over them which he has taught many things to keep the Church sanctified. Paul will condemned many Pastors’ for their lies that he robbed the Church, because he was never depending on the Church to give him bread and water to eat and to drink, because he knew they would influence the truth in his mouth, and it will becomes a burden upon the flocks of Christ. Paul was a tent maker he wasn’t devouring Christ flocks like many Pastors’ are doing. He has no wife or children to worry about like many Pastors’. Paul was never divided like many Pastors’, he knew his priority was to preach Christ against all oddity, even if it takes sacrificing himself he was ready to do that, “Then Paul answered, what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” See Acts 21:13 not less than 1% of Pastors’ can do that.

Paul laboured with his hand to earn his living, he never placed his burden upon the Church congregation like many Pastors’ are doing because he has no desire to build houses, mansions, castles, buy cars, and other worldly things like many Pastors’. He work to earning his living and that didn’t divide his heart. Hear what Paul said and be not deceived by Pastors’ misinterpretations of his word for defending their lusts. “I have coveted no man’s silver or, or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.” Acts 20:33-34. My beloved, I believe the truth will make you free and show you the darkness of my Pastors’ interpretations of the Bible for their personal interests. Paul did not only provide for himself but also all those brethren with him. To robbed Churches financially has become the tradition of Pastors’ and to make Christ flocks their money generating machines has become a normal thing in their eyes but not of Christ. And all of these are because of their love for money. I pray that God delivered many Pastors’ in the name of Jesus Christ lest they will perish because of money. When your personal interest is set before your heart, you can never see the truth and reality of every scriptural verse. And ignorance and religion dogmas or denominationalism can also blind one’s eyes and heart from seeing the truth. Apostle Peter warned of Paul epistles that in them some things are hard to understand which they that are unlearned (not of academic but of Christ) and unstable wrest, as they do also to the other scriptures (Old Testament), unto their own destruction.

Even many Pastors’ have not learned of Christ (still with uncrucified minds) but Pastoral colleges certified them to be Pastors’ because they have learned the doctrinal or historical side of Christ not the spiritual side. Apostle Paul seeing the Ephesians Churches still living, swimming and wallowing in unrighteousness after the gospel has been preached to them, said “But ye have not so learned of Christ.”—Ephesians 4:20. Those who have learned of Christ spiritually pursue the priority of Christ for the sheep not their personal interests. Many Pastors’ stumbling upon Paul’s word to defend their extortion of money from God’s flocks, but Paul never did any of these things. He never made himself high but low in order to bring the priority of God to any living souls. Money never influenced his ministry as money is heavily influencing almost every ministry worldwide. Paul was looking for excuses to preach Christ crucified to people not excuses to collect money from God’s flocks as Pastors’ are doing these days. Except many Pastors’ repent from exploring and extorting God’s flocks, they will perish because of money and Paul will condemned them in judgment those Pastors’ who uses his words to defend their craving and lusts for money.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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