Topic: Worship God by Using Your Gifts [RICK WARREN Devotional 25 April 2021]

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Worship God by Using Your Gifts

“My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit.”

John 15:8 (AMP)When you use the gifts God has given you, it’s an act of worship.

What makes God smile? Some people think God only smiles when you’re praying, singing praises, or going to church. The truth is, God smiles when you use the gifts he’s given you.

When you’re doing what you were wired and shaped to do, it’s like God says, “That’s so cool! I created them to do that!”

When Eric Liddell, a devout Christian, represented Great Britain in track events during the 1924 Olympics, he said, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.”

God shaped some people to run. He shaped others to race bikes or surf. They’re just good at it. I think when God looks at them, he says, “That is so cool! I made the wave. I made the surfer. This is cool.”

You don’t have to always be doing something “spiritual” to bring God glory. Any time you’re using God’s gifts for his glory, it’s worship.

But God has given specific spiritual gifts too. He’s gifted some people for teaching the Bible, while others make a big difference serving behind the scenes. Some people are great evangelists while others help fellow Christians hear God’s voice more clearly.

The Bible says, “My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit” (John 15:8 AMP). When you use your gifts correctly, God gets the glory. And you certainly can’t please God with gifts you don’t have. God doesn’t expect you to be talented or gifted at everything. He just wants you to worship him by using what he’s given you.

In the Bible, the words “joy” and “gift” actually come from the same Greek word. When you use your spiritual gifts, it brings joy to God, and it brings joy to you.

It’s like God says, “You’re doing what I created you to do.” And you say, “This feels good!”

The best feeling comes from using your gifts for God’s purpose, knowing you’re worshiping God by doing what he made you to do. It is the greatest thrill in the world!

  • What do you believe God has created you to do?
  • How are you using your SHAPE—your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences—to worship God?
  • Describe a time in your life when you were using your gifts to serve others. What was that like?

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