Financial Wisdom By Dr. Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding practical wisdom actions for supernatural supplies.


  1. Live within your means (Prov. 22:7; Deut. 15:6; 28:12; Rom. 13:8; Deut. 28:1)
    Avoid the borrower’s lifestyle
    7a. Borrowing empties tomorrow into today such that when tomorrow arrives, it is empty
    7b. Borrowing is the mismanagement of life, destiny and finances
    7c. Borrowing is an anti-covenant operation that counteracts the benefit of covenant practice
    One of the greatest destroyers of life and of the future is the borrower’s lifestyle
    When you get money through borrowing, you have a negative balance against your future and the future must subtract it
    7d. Borrowing is spending money you don’t have such that when money arrives, it has already been spent
    7e. Borrowing is the establishment of the status of servanthood and it excludes people from the realm of financial mastery
    7f. Borrowing is disobedience of clearly stated Divine instruction and that forbids the flow of the Blessing (Deut. 28:1)
    Life is in phases and men are in sizes accept your size per time
  2. Look up to no one but God (Ps. 34:5; Gen. 14:22-23; Jer. 17:5-8; Ps. 118:8-9; Prov. 25:19)
    8a. Looking up to man is looking away from God
    8b. Looking away from God is looking away from good
    8c. Looking up to man is signature for shame
    Man can be your channel but let God remain your Source
    If your supplies must come from God, your eyes must be on God
    To look up to man is to sign up for shame because man can fail, man can change and man can die
    8d. Looking up to God positions man for the blessing but looking up to man positions people for curses
    8e. There is no limit to the celebration of those who look up to God and there is no limit to the frustration of those who look up to man
  3. Identify needs and meet them (Gen. 40:6-8; Ex. 2:15-21)
    Looking out for needs and meeting them took Joseph from where he was in life to the palace
    If you love your neighbour as yourself, you will not know what it means to be poor – RUSSELL CONWELL
    Don’t look for money for money’s sake, look for money to make meaning and money will look for you
    9a. When needs are met, rewards are released
    9b. Wealth creation happens with solution provision
    Look at human needs, look for a way to reduce the pressure of people and money will locate you
    9c. Success in life is a product of the release of answers
    Let us stop pursuing money and let us start pursuing meaning
    When you solve people’s problems, they will thank you and still pay you
    9d. The tackling of necessity is the doorway to accessing prosperity
  4. Access Divine ideas (Prov. 4:23; 21:5)
    The things that will flow out of your life will first flow out of your mind
    10a. A wise man said, ‘wealth is essentially a product of a man’s capacity to think’.
    10b. To be successful you must be strategic and to think deep is to fly high in all realms
    10c. Ideas translate into wealth effortlessly
    10d. Mental strategy is superior to physical energy in accessing the supplies of life
    Work hard but work smarter
  5. Remain steadfast (Gal. 6:9; Hab. 2:3; Eccl. 11:6)
    11a. It is not enough to do the right thing, it is important to do the right thing for as long as it takes to see the right results
    11b. Persistence cures resistance and grants inheritance
    11c. Repeated positive action will always culminate in desired positive outcome
    When your due season is about to come, the devil tempts you with weariness
    Whatever good you know to do, keep doing
    11d. All you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough
    11e. Due season will always arrive for the persistent
    11f. Results are created, not by occasional actions but by repeated, persistent actions
    Anything in life that will produce maximally, must be pursued tenaciously
  6. Maintain the attitude of gratitude (Ps. 67:5-7; Joel 1:11-12)
    12a. A positive attitude will give birth to a positive altitude
    Gratitude secures past and present blessings and attracts future blessings
    Maintain excitement and you will receive fulfilment
    Positivism, optimism and enthusiasm are the doorway to dynamism in life
    Don’t hand over your joy to anybody; don’t let anybody be the determinant of your joy per time – when they want you to cry, laugh for them. If they want to frustrate you frustrate them with your excitement.
    Information can make you intelligent but actions make you wise
    You know an intelligent man by the things he says but you know a wise man by the steps he takes
    What you know doesn’t make you wise until you translate it into action


Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. I am grateful Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Father, wisdom to apply this Word and wisdom to access Your resources, I receive now, in Jesus’ Name.

Lord Jesus, I come before You today asking for the help and the wisdom to put forth these actions. Help me to do what You want me to do and live how You want me to live, in Jesus’ Name.


  • Everything you need man to do for you, god will do it for you in this season!
  • This joy that you have will not cease and the grace to carry out these instructions is released upon you

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