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Dearly beloved, it is written, “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7. This is not the calling of becoming a Pastor, prophet, evangelist, or others, but this is a calling for all those that believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We are not called unto uncleanness which is still eating deep among many Christians may be because of their ignorance or their lusts, but we are called unto holiness. How many Christians are obeying this calling of God unto holiness? This is a required and necessary thing any Christian must meet if you will see God or be rapture whenever the trumpet sound and only those who obey this call unto holiness are ready for heaven and for rapture. I have been telling people anywhere I preached, what Jesus Christ told me and showed me, only the sanctified Christians He is coming for not all Christians and Church goers. Beloved, if you haven’t obey this call from God or your Pastor haven’t told you the importance of obeying this call, now, I beseech you by the mercies of God, obey this call if you want to go to heaven through Jesus Christ. Anything unclean can’t pass through Jesus Christ, because He is the way, the truth and the life, any unclean thing can’t pass through Him to see God (See John 14:6). There is no other way to prepared for heaven and rapture, but obeying the call unto holiness. God’s will is for us to abstain from fornication, and never let fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness once be name among us as become saints (See 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Ephesians 5:3).

Dearly beloved, listen carefully, if any man of God says he is for the good of your life and yet never tell you the truth that will give your soul eternal safety, I tell you they are deceiving you. One thing that made Jesus Christ died for us is to deliver us from eternal damnation, not to give us worldly glories, success, prosperity and blessings which 80% of Churches and Pastors are mad about preaching knowing their congregations are lusting after these worldliness. Many Pastors’ don’t emphasis on your sanctification from the darkness of this world, that is why they are saying painting of lips and wearing mini-skirts, eye lashes that they don’t matter, the fact that God don’t justify us by works doesn’t mean He has no standard for us to relate with Him, but if He will accept us as Christians unto Himself, we must be holy, having no business with worldliness and our bodies must be sanctified from anything of this world. If Pastors’ are emphasizing on our bodies as the temple of God, every Christian will see the necessity of sanctification and holiness will come into their lives. It is written, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God (your body), him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Ask yourself, am I God’s temple? If yes, ask yourself, am I defiling it or purifying it? Many Pastors’ are not emphasizing on Christians sanctification of their bodies from fornication, tattoo, artificial make-ups, wearing of different fetish things on their bodies, even their Churches logos bands on their hands. It is written, “What! Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. All Pastors’ are to sing this verses in every Church service into the ears of their congregations, let them know holiness is the key to enter heaven for all those who already have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. I keep saying it, if going to heaven is not the reason you’re serving God and going to Church, then stop going to Church and serving God worldly glories, blessing, success, and prosperity that are temporal things.

Dearly beloved, it is written, “…and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. ” Hebrews 12:14. Many Christians hate holiness, because they know if they are sanctified, they won’t have their worldly lusts, funs, and pleasures, they won’t decorate themselves with artificial make-ups anymore and this is why they hate holiness. Many Pastors’ are failing God in not telling their congregations the importance of sanctification from the worldly and all its lusts and love. Many Pastors’ are going to face eternal damnations because of what Jesus Christ told me, that 50% of many Christians eternal safety or destruction lies in the truth or lies they tell their congregations. Because their congregations believe them to be of God and are willing to do what they tell them because they believe they are God’s servants and mouth piece to them. If you want to see God and be rapture whenever you leave this world or at the trumpet sound, be sanctified from all the darkness of sins and worldliness, sanctification is the only way to become holy, holiness means, set apart for God alone, don’t share your body with tattoo, eyes lashes, painting of lips, wearing all manners of necklaces, bangles, and earrings, which are all the works of lusts of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life and they have no spiritual benefits to your life, but getting you conformed to this world only. Pastors barely preaches about repentance and that’s why they can’t even preach about holiness.


Dearly beloved, it is written, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7. One thing I have found about many Christians from what Jesus Christ told about the selfish giving many Christians are giving, is the personal and carnal interest of many Christians about themselves. Many Christians are not praying for spiritual transformation of their lives, elimination of their bad characters and behaviours, ungodly actions, and reactions, they are not praying for grace to live for God and glorify Him in their lives, but most of their prayers which consist of asking, seeking, and knocking are mainly for their fleshly and worldly lusts. Only those who are asking God through Jesus Christ for enabling and sustaining grace to serve God in truth and spirit till the end of their days on earth will achieve that because Christ also want that for us and He will glad give us such grace. Those seeking for heaven will see the necessity of holiness which is the only means by which they can find heaven if you say you want to go or end up in heaven let holiness be your watchword, holiness cannot be found in you if you have not genuinely repented and not sanctified from worldliness, artificial make-ups that defile your body which is God’s temple. Sanctify yourself from all uncleanness and all that God hates, and give your body wholly to God, this is the only way to find heaven, and Jesus Christ is the way for He is all these to us, holiness, righteousness, wisdom, knowledge, and sanctification (See 1 Corinthians 1:30). Knock with holiness at the door of heaven and Jesus Christ will open it unto you. Ask with holiness for heaven and Jesus Christ will give you, seek for heaven with holiness and Jesus Christ will make you find it.


Dearly beloved, it is written, “And every man that hath this hope (of being rapture, seeing God) in him (Jesus Christ) purifieth (sanctified) himself, even as he (Jesus Christ) is pure.” 1 John 3:3. I don’t know why seeing Jesus Christ or God, going to heaven is not the top priority of many Christians in this world, but having materials riches, worldly success and worldly prosperity is their top priority. Going to heaven don’t interest many Church goers or Christians, it is because Pastors’ emphasis are little or none about this eternal glorious home Christ has prepared for those who love Him. If holiness and going to heaven can get all the emphasis man-made money of tithe and offerings have got in the Churches, I tell you, Jesus Christ would have come to rapture us long ago before these present times. And many Christians are not sure if they will get to heaven because they are looking to their works and in themselves for what it takes to make heaven. This is the works of the wrong foundations Church have made people build their faith and trust in to find God’s justification and acceptance of God. Holiness is the required thing to see God or Jesus Christ and without it many Christians won’t be raptured. If you have this hope of seeing Jesus Christ or God and of being rapture, be ye holy even as your God is holy (See 1 Peter 1:16). Repent from all your secret sins and be sanctified from worldly relationships, love, lusts, and funs if you have this hope of seeing God. This is the truth Jesus Christ want you to know. Share this message with your friends. Shalom!

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